KFTD’s SMAP Implementation: Enhancing Bribery Prevention Efforts

In order to establish a transparent and integrity-driven corporate environment, PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group has implemented an anti-bribery policy. This invention is incorporated in the Anti-Bribery Management System (Sistem Manajemen Anti Penyuapan/SMAP), which is applied in all sections of the business. SMAP allows Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution to adopt anti-bribery actions before they occur.

How Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Implements SMAP

SMAP consists of a set of procedures that must be followed throughout the company. KFTD guarantees that every stage addresses the possibility of bribery, be it before, during, and after the act occurs. Furthermore, KFTD has established a specialist team called the Gratification Control Unit (Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi) to monitor this entire procedure.

The following are the SMAP procedures that are implemented by KFTD across all business lines:

  • Creating technical guidelines in order to standardize the procedures in monitoring gratification.
  • Conducting an anti-bribery program for all parties involved, including shareholders, stakeholders, legal institutions, and KFTD collaborators.
  • Developing and promoting a confidential, secure, and dependable gratification reporting system.
  • Creating a thorough monitoring and internal audit system for all business lines and departments.
  • Conducting thorough evaluations in order to determine the success of the SMAP program.

SMAP as Part of GCG

SMAP is a crucial aspect of KFTD’s Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices. Through GCG, KFTD ensures that the public and shareholders continue to trust its business processes. Moreover, this dedication to transparency and integrity entails avoiding gratification, corruption, and nepotism.

The steps indicated in SMAP provide an essential example of the implementation of the Code of Conduct within GCG. This includes the establishment of the Gratification Control Unit to manage gratification reports and other related issues.

By comprehensively implementing the SMAP, PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) successfully upholds public trust and integrity as a state-owned pharmaceutical and other healthcare products distributor in Indonesia. This also demonstrates its commitment to upholding transparency and business values in society.

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